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Program 4: Panel Discussion on "GN on Local Content in Manufacturing & Supply of Goods and Services"

The program is jointly organised by the Central Delhi CEP Study Circle and the Faridabad Chapter of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India.

The program's objective was to have a Panel Discussion on the "Guidance Note on Local Content in Manufacturing, Production & Supply of Goods and Services" issued by the Institute of Cost Accountants of India.

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Date : Friday, 26th March 2021

Time : 11:00 AM onwards

Speakers : Name and Designation

1. CMA B B Goyal, ICoAS (Speaker cum Chief Guest) - Former Addl. Chief Adviser, (Cost), Ministry of Finance

2. CMA Chandra Wadhwa (Guest of Honour) - Former President, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India 3. CMA Sachin Kathuria (Moderator) - Practising Cost Accountant


00:00:00 Opening Remarks and Introduction of Speakers by CMA Sankalp Wadhwa

00:01:14 Presentation by CMA B B Goyal, ICoAS, on the Topic

01:17:52 Presentation by CMA Chandra Wadhwa on the Topic

01:48:15 Q&A and Open Discussion by group members moderated by CMA Sachin Kathuria

02:07:35 Closing Remarks by CMA Varun Sukhija



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